My obsession with rings is growing stronger week by week, i now cant seem to leave the house without a hand laden in them. I even sneaked a couple of small rings on for work, despite the strict 'No jewellery' rule. I feel naked without them now.
My ring drawer no longer closes so i need to think up some genius way of storing them - any suggestions?
Over the past few weeks ive been on the hunt for some unusual, statement rings & ive found a few bargins along the way.

The first two i got were the two skull rings.
Ive been fascinated with skull rings for quite some time now, they're not everyone cup of tea, but i really like them, i think they make an outfit look a bit different & more...edgy?
Skull with flower - Matalan £6
Normal skull - Topshop £10
My favouirte is the one with the flower & its a complete steal at £6!

Cheap as chips, some might think they are tacky but i embrace a bit of tackiness sometimes!
The bright turquoise one i think would look lovely with china glaze 'for Audrey' or Barry M 'Turquoise' in the summer.
Turquoise Ring - £2.99
Pearl Ring - £1.99
Vintage Gold Ring With Pearl Center - £2.99

The next two are aslo from Matalan. Gorgeous marbelled stones, i could'nt decide what colour to get, so...i got both. They are quite simple, so i got them to layer with other rings. Matalans jewellery is a bit hit and miss, but at the moment is really nice and quite quirky! The same as Topshop but about half the price.
Both were - £3.99

The last ring ive got is my new favourite!
It popped through my letterbox a few days ago and ive worn it every day since...
I know its been floating around lookbook and various blogs quite a bit recently, but i first heard about it when one of my favourite youtubers Barbara -
( ThePersianbabe )
mentioned it on one of her videos. Loved the look of it, So i rushed onto ASOS and ordered a gold one in medium.
I cant even count the amount of compliments ive had on it! I was in Miss Selfridges the other day and somehow it became the topic of conversation amongst all the staff in there, they are all ordering one too!
Its suprisingly comfortable for a double finger ring aswell, it dosnt restrict your movement too much.
Im actually going to order myself a silver one tonight i think.

Gold double finger cross ring - £8
Anyone reccomend anywhere for cheap cocktail rings?